NSW-Vic border closure: One size doesn’t fit all

Simplified cross-border access for farmers, freight operators and local communities need to be maintained, argues Bridget McKenzie. BRIDGET McKENZIE, The Weekly Times July 13, 2020 THERE would be few people who don’t feel genuine concern for Melbourne and agree closing off affected COVID-19 areas is the right move. Isolated outbreaks require swift, decisive action on…


Regional Victorians should not pay price for careless behaviour of a few Melbournians

Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie says regional Victorians should not be penalised because of COVID-19 spikes in isolated parts of Melbourne. Senator McKenzie encouraged Victorians not living in Stage 3 Stay at Home restricted postcode areas and the rest of Australia to support regional businesses and tourist operators by visiting and holidaying in regional…


AUSTRALIAN POLITY: The Impact of Technology on Government

http://australianpolity.com/australian-polity/the-impact-of-technology-on-government Volume 5, Issue 2 By Senator Bridget McKenzie, Nationals Senator for Victoria The Internet has transformed society, making it easier to buy goods and access services from around the world. It has also increased the opportunities for companies to minimise or avoid paying tax. The growth of online sports gambling and the increase of…


QUT Statement: Course Fee Scenarios

QUT has released four course fee scenarios for domestic students commencing in 2016, in an effort to provide clarity around the current higher education funding debate. QUT accepts all sides of politics struggle with the reality of the balance between student and government contributions to higher education. The scenarios are based on: no change (scenario…


ACPET – Disadvantaged students the real losers in Senate decision

MEDIA RELEASE Wednesday 3 December Australia’s national industry association for private tertiary education, the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET), said today that the defeat of the Higher Education Reforms in the Senate is a major blow for low SES and regional students across Australia. Broadening government supported places to non-university higher education…
