The Big Issues: COVID-19 blamed for bans on sale of firearms and ammo

Sally Gall One of the strangest pronouncements to come from the Queensland government as coronavirus lockdown restrictions came into force at the end of March was the direction for legitimate firearm dealers to close immediately, without any explanation. The decision left primary producers, macropod harvesters and dealers stunned and outraged. The directive by Queensland’s Chief Health…

November 23 re-opening a significant step in recovery

November 23 cannot come soon enough, says Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie. “Today’s confirmation from the NSW Premier to fully open the Victoria-NSW border on November 23 means the end is in sight for communities who have endured considerable and extended hardship under harsh COVID-19 restrictions,” Senator McKenzie said. “Restrictions have…

Acknowledgement From Victorian Premier Melbourne Is Not Mildura

Confirmation regional Victoria will take a further step towards COVID-19 normal is the overdue recognition from the Andrews Labor Government that Mildura is not Melbourne, says Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie. “Country Victorians have been forced to make massive sacrifices to get to this point. “While children will be back in…

One Giant Leap For Premier, One Small Step For Regional Victoria

The slight easing of regional Victorian restrictions highlights Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ inability to govern for all Victoria, not just Melbourne, Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie says. “While I welcome the premier’s belated acknowledgement regional Victoria is different to greater Metropolitan Melbourne it is incredibly disappointing regional COVID-19 free communities remain…

TRANSCRIPT: Nationals Senators Call On Premiers To Show Leadership On Border Closures At National Cabinet

NATIONALS SENATE LEADER AND VICTORIA SENATOR BRIDGET MCKENZIE: We are appealing to our nation’s Premiers to demonstrate leadership and compassion tomorrow at national cabinet. We have seen the carnage that border closures are having in our communities, day in, day out. Lives are being ruined, businesses are closing, we’ve all heard the tragic stories about…

State Premiers Must Act In Good Faith and Common-Sense and Use Evidence Over Politics

Wodonga-based Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie tonight in the senate called on state premiers to act in good faith and common-sense and use evidence over politics at this Friday’s National Cabinet so there’s an agreed definition of COVID hotspots and in determining where they are. This will ideally mean our COVID-free border communities will be able…

Border Zone Expanded, Agriculture Worker Code Also Urgently Needed

Wodonga-based Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie today welcomed the NSW government’s move to finally expand the border zone after six weeks of livelihoods being disrupted and even devastated. The NSW Premier today expanded the zone back to a 50 kilometre radius and eased restrictions to allow for necessary daily life activities. “The arbitrary two-kilometre zone…