The Nationals Senate team has continued the fight for Murray-Darling Basin communities by opposing outrageous federal Labor motions.
Today, all Nationals Senators voted against motions put forward by Federal Labor demanding the recovery of 450 gigalitres from Victoria and New South Wales and that the Basin Plan must be delivered “on time and in full”.
“It seems Labor has forgotten the 450GL was never guaranteed, the science is now pointing to a complete re-think of how we manage the Lower Lakes in South Australia, said Nationals Senate Leader and Senator Bridget McKenzie.
“It is quite shocking to see the bias of Federal Labor who think Victoria and New South Wales have to recover all of the water and yet South Australia does not have to contribute anything.”
Federal Labor wants the Plan to remain bipartisan, yet they see no issue with hurting people and destroying jobs in Victoria and New South Wales to recover more water for the benefit of South Australians.
Nationals Senator Perin Davey told the Senate, the Nationals Party would not back down on water policy.
“The Basin Plan, as written by Minister Tony Burke back in 2012 said the extra 450 GL must be based on no negative social and economic impacts. Well, it’s been shown time and time again that there will be negative social and economic impacts,” Senator Davey said.
“All Basin Ministers, including South Australia agreed to the criteria and that must be respected. Senator O’Neil has forgotten that the 450 GL was not guaranteed.”
“The Basin Plan was to be an adaptive plan, and it must adapt to the new science. The 450GL cannot be delivered without destroying rural communities,” Nationals Senator Matt Canavan said.
“The National Party are committed to our regional and rural communities and we will not let the pro-Greens views of federal Labor destroy Basin rural and regional communities,” Nationals Senator Sam McMahon said.
Nationals Senator Susan McDonald said the Plan must find a balance between protecting the environment and ensuring food security.
“There is more to the health of the environment than just adding more water, we need to look at flexible ways to safeguard the environment given we all must face a world with less water,” Senator McDonald said.
We will continue to do everything in our power to ensure the Basin Plan is delivered without impacting our regional and rural communities.