Bellbridge, source:
The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government has approved funding for 15 projects across Wodonga and Towong Local Government Areas as part of its $1.5 billion Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program, which is supporting local jobs, businesses and boosting the economy during COVID-19.
Nationals Senate Leader and Wodonga-based Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie said getting shovels in the ground on local construction projects was important for maintaining jobs and economic growth in the north-east.
“Every single job we support makes a huge difference in our region, now and as we build our way out of the pandemic,” she said.
“That is why we have moved quickly to approve more than $2.4 million to flow to Towong Shire Council and the City of Wodonga.
“Not only will this new program support jobs, construction businesses and economic growth across the Upper Murray and Wodonga, it will also improve road safety and bolster the resilience of our local road networks, helping Australians get home sooner and safer.
“We will work closely with our local councils in Indi and the north east to ensure local projects get underway and supporting jobs and businesses as soon as possible.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the projects funded under the program will improve the quality of life of regional Australians and have lasting economic and social benefits for local communities.
“Our funding boost will help communities across Australia accelerate priority projects to get people into jobs and stimulate our economy,” he said.
“We know how important our support is to communities who have faced the combined effects of drought, bushfires and now COVID-19, which is why we are backing projects to create employment and business opportunities while cutting travel times, as well as making our roads and communities safer.
“Having only announced the program in late May, we are moving decisively to deliver the support councils and communities need to get through this pandemic and get back on their feet.”
In May 2020, the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government also pre-paid $1.3 billion of this year’s Financial Assistance Grant to provide untied funding for all local councils across Australia to spend on local priorities.
More information on the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program is available at
Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program Phase Two projects:
Wodonga – $2,403,211:
- $460,000 for stage two of the Kelly Park Pavilion Redevelopment
- $375,000 for Birallee Park Outdoor Cricket Nets, Access Road and Landscaping works
- $306,950 to complete the Belvoir Park Playground
- $175,000 to replace the Wodonga Racecourse toilet block
- $150,000 to upgrade the Birallee Park Pump Track,
Towong Shire – $936,261:
- $391,261 for street upgrades at Tallangatta
- $200,000 to upgrade the Tallangatta swimming pool
- $85,000 to seal and improve the Bellbridge Walking Path
- $60,000 to refurbish The Triangles Park toilet block
- $60,000 to seal and fence the Eskdale Walking Track
- $30,000 to install shade at the Bellbridge interactive fish sculpture
- $30,000 to upgrade public toilet block at Walwa recreation reserve
- $30,000 to replace public toilet block at Cudgewa
- $30,000 to install shade at Pelican playground, Tallangatta
- $20,000 to upgrade the Old Tallangatta Lookout