Disaster assistance is now available in the local government areas of Mansfield Shire and Wellington Shire that were affected by the Victorian earthquake on 22 September 2021 under the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie said the DRFA will assist local councils with the costs of repairs and reconstruction of essential public assets including roads and infrastructure.
“The earthquake event caused severe road cracking near the location of the epicentre,” Senator McKenzie said.
“This financial support will provide cost relief to councils to undertake immediate works and longer-term reconstruction of roads.
“The Australian and Victorian governments are working closely, and we are ready to provide further assistance as necessary.”
Senator McKenzie said the impacts of the event have put strain on councils that have already been impacted.
“We know that working in remote locations can be challenging – that’s why we will help those affected councils with the costs of reconstruction of the essential public assets,” Senator McKenzie said.
Affected local councils should contact Emergency Management Victoria via email (ndfa@emv.vic.gov.au) to discuss the availability of assistance.
Information on disaster assistance is available on:
- Australian Government website: www.disasterassist.gov.au
- Vic Emergency website: www.emergency.vic.gov.au/relief