Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie, says the new Coalition agreement ensures regional Victoria continues to benefit under a Liberal-Nationals government.
Senator McKenzie said the agreement covers a broad range of policy areas related to water, families, access to education, business, competition policy, communications, infrastructure and regional unemployment.
“As a result of the Nationals' negotiation with the new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the new agreement ensures the government continues to prioritise the needs of our regions,” she said.
“The Nationals were determined there be a positive outcome for regional Australia in what has been a regrettable situation. It also reinforces the Nationals' influence as a Coalition partner.”
Senator McKenzie paid tribute to the achievements of outgoing Prime Minister Tony Abbott and thanked him for his commitment to delivering in regional Australia.
“I am pleased the Nationals have that same commitment from the new PM, Malcolm Turnbull, to work with the Nationals to ensure good outcomes,” she said.