On the dawn of the Mildura public forum and with just 65 days remaining in the consultation period, The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie implored Victorians to have their say on the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
“No one understands the importance of a sustainable river system and environment more than the people living in it,” Senator McKenzie said in Mildura this morning.
“Having travelled from Mildura to Wodonga in recent weeks I have consistently heard the same thing: ‘this is a poor plan that will cripple our community.’
“Today I’m here to support the Mildura community as it makes its views known to Craig Knowles and Minister Burke.
“I’m encouraging all community members to get to the meeting to tell the MDBA about local water saving initiatives and impart their wealth of knowledge about the system.
“Victorians expected a basin plan that would deliver on the triple bottom line. On assessment, Victoria’s message to Minister Burke is simple – fail, fail, fail.
“The economic and social consequences appear dire, the environmental outcomes unquantifiable as no-one knows where the water is coming from, nor where it is going.
“Much of the basin plan detail remains as murky as the Labor leadership.
“Victoria deserves better than this out of touch Gillard Government,” Senator McKenzie concluded.