The Bendigo Tennis Centre Expansion will become a reality
after winning funding in Round 3 of the Federal Coalition Government’s National
Stronger Regions Fund.
National’s Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie said the
centre has been granted $2,090,000 through Round 3 of the National Stronger
Regions Fund, announced by Minister Fiona Nash.
“This was a hotly contested funding round and it is a great
achievement for the Bendigo Tennis Centre, for the Greater City of Bendigo and
for tennis enthusiasts here and throughout the country.
“The expansion at the Bendigo Tennis Centre will create opportunities
to host major tournaments, increase visitation, to diversify the business
opportunities available to the centre and increase local opportunities for
“It is anticipated that the expansion will create an
additional 37 jobs during construction and 26 new ongoing jobs.
“It will also bring significant national sporting events to Bendigo,
creating exceptional entertainment for the city along with much needed jobs.
“The project will ensure that the Bendigo Tennis Centre has the
capacity to retain its regional status for the next 30 years. By redeveloping
and expanding the facility, temporary infrastructure will no longer be required
and the Centre will no longer be at risk of losing major tournaments,” Senator
McKenzie said.
Minister for Regional Development Fiona Nash said the local
projects funded under NSRF Round 3 made a huge difference to communities.
“I aim to help build the kinds of communities our children
and grandchildren either want to stay in or come back to, and quality local
infrastructure is a big part of that,” Minister Nash said.
Minister Nash said 479 applications were lodged under Round
3 with only the very best successful.”
A full list of successful round three National Stronger
Regions Fund projects will be availble on the Department of Infrastructure and
Regional Development website on Friday, 7 October at