National Senator for Victoria, Senator Bridget McKenzie today applauded the upcoming revampedregional development policy to be crafted by the Coalition Government this
The policy, announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and
Regional Development Warren Truss and Assistant Minister Michael McCormack will
set out a long term vision for regional Australia.
Mr McCormack will travel across the nation to talk to a diverse range of local community leaders, regional businesses,academic institutions and regional Australians including indigenous communities about the policy and what it should include.
Senator McKenzie said there are many areas where country Victorians can contribute to
this vital policy initiative.
“I am particularly keen on access to higher education for rural and regional
Victorians, technology infrastructure and a supportive environment for small
business, all areas that I believe will underpin our economic growth creating a
sustainable future.
“I would urge all Victorians to make a contribution to this policy to create
opportunities through nurturing innovation and investing in infrastructure”,
Senator McKenzie said.
“I totally support the idea that now and in the longer term, Regional Australia is
at the epicentre of real growth potential.
“The Australian Government has invested heavily in the future of our regions,
including our record $50 billion infrastructure programme with projects
specifically targeting productivity improvements and creating regional jobs,”
Senator McKenzie said.