In Canberra this week the Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie paid tribute to the young women and management of the Bendigo Spirit Women’s Basketball team. The Bendigo Spirit secured their spot in the final with a courageous 78 to 71 win over Dandenong on Sunday.
Senator McKenzie, who has keenly followed the progress of the Bendigo Spirit throughout this season’s competition championed their success in a speech in the Senate about ‘Women in Sport’;
“It is a tribute to the coaching staff of Bernie Harrower, Jeremi Moule and Paul O’Brien, and to their team who support the Bendigo Spirit behind the scenes. It is a tribute to the organisers and also a tribute to the wider Bendigo community for so proudly supporting their team.
It is a real achievement for the team as we need to recognise that it is difficult for a regionally based team to get access to training and competition. The Bendigo Spirit are a great example of the success that can be achieved when players display the solidarity that regional communities often do when they band together so passionately.”
The Senator later went on to say, development in sport produces young women role models because of their strength and determination. The personal confidence, long term health outcomes and team skills obtained through sport takes these women through the journey of their lives and this is a great thing.
Senator Bridget McKenzie wishes the team all the best in Women’s National Basketball League grand final on Sunday, March 10 which will be held in Bendigo. The Senator has no doubt that the Bendigo Spirit will shine through.