Disaster assistance has been made available for communities affected by flooding and storms across Victoria.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie said through the DRFA, a range of practical assistance measures are now available to help support councils with the clean-up and repairs to infrastructure.
“Severe weather and flooding has caused significant damage to roads, businesses and residential properties,” Senator McKenzie said.
“The role our communities play in the recovery is essential, they are the engine that drives the ongoing clean-up and repairs.”
“We’re prepared to do what it takes to further assist the Victorian Government to support councils in their response to the devastating storms and floods impacting individuals and communities across the region.”
Acting Minister for Police and Emergency Services Danny Pearson said that the impacts of severe weather have been felt in many communities across the state.
Re-establishment assistance payments are in addition to emergency relief payments and are available for:
• Alternative accommodation
• Removal of debris
• Home repairs
• Reconnection of essential services
• Rebuilding and replacement of essential household contents.
With heavy rainfall and damaging winds predicted to continue over the long weekend, we would like to remind community members to heed emergency warnings and to actively monitor conditions.
Affected local councils should contact Emergency Management Victoria via email ndfa@emv.vic.gov.au to discuss the availability of assistance.
Information on disaster assistance is available on the Australian Government’s website at www.disasterassist.gov.au, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing website at www.services.dffh.vic.gov.au/personal-hardship-assistance program, and the Vic Emergency website www.emergency.vic.gov.au/relief.