Victorian Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie has welcomed changes to Round 2 Regional Development Australia Funding criteria and is encouraging the department to distribute money fairly to projects throughout all of regional
“The criteria for the new application forms has been finalised and I welcome the improvements. The department has completely re-written the guidelines and changed the application process,” Senator McKenzie said.
“More than a hundred projects around
“The next step is to encourage the department to assess the applications according to need, rather than whether or not they happen to be in an ALP seat. This national program is designed to leverage Commonwealth, State, local government, private and not-for-profit investments for the long-term benefit of all communities,” she said.
The Government allocated almost $1 billion to the RDAF to support the infrastructure needs and economic growth of
Senator McKenzie questioned the distribution of funding in Senate estimates in October and highlighted the issues surrounding the application process.
“The department admitted that the forms under Round 1 of RDAF were not ‘user friendly.’ The department did not anticipate the problems that arose, especially in relation to what should be included in an application,” the Senator said.
“The possibility of funding for many regional businesses and organisations has been left in limbo and hundreds of critically needed job creation projects have been left waiting.
“Rather than shoring up support in ALP seats, RDA can now focus on growing local economies in regional areas, irrespective of who holds the seat. This is an opportunity for the RDA to stop playing politics and start delivering funding where it’s needed – and create jobs that will secure our future in regional
The Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government will accept applications submitted by local government and not-for-profit organisations up until December 1. Funding is for investment-ready projects that support the growth of local communities. Details at: