Victorian Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie will visit Tasmania on Saturday to launch The Nationals in Deloraine.
Senator McKenzie said it was a great honour to be present at the launch of the party after a 15 year hiatus.
‘’Tasmania and The Nationals are a great fit,’’ she said.
‘’Tasmania has vibrant rural and regional communities and a strong agriculture sector.’’
Senator McKenzie said The Nationals had strong historical roots in Tasmania, as the first leader of the Australian Country Party was Tasmanian William McWilliams.
‘’McWilliams saw the importance of representation for rural and regional people in Tasmania and across Australia,’’ she said
‘’This is as important now, as it was more than 90 years ago.’’
The inaugural meeting will elect an executive which will focus on getting the party up and running, before fielding candidates at the next state election.
‘’This is a great day for the people of Tasmania, particularly those who live in regional areas,’’ Senator McKenzie said.
Media are welcome to attend after official business ends at approximately 12.30pm.
The event will be held at Deloraine Community Complex, Alveston Drive Deloraine.
Media contact: Kathleen Tonini mob: 0400530027