Image courtesy of Euroa Men’s Shed Inc
Inland Rail is supporting northern Victorian communities with the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) donating more than $23,000 to seven community groups in the latest rounds of their Community Sponsorships and Donations program.
Community initiatives in northern Victoria to receive funding include the:
- $4,000 for Euroa Men’s Shed to extend their outside cover area
- $4,000 for Big Valley Quarter Horse Association to upgrade their safety fence
- $3,920 for Millawa Bowls Club to undertake upgrades
- $3,150 for Violet Town Bowls Club to install heating
- $2,970 for Wandong Heathcote Junction Community Group to protect a local mural
- $2,900 for Moira Benalla Club to replace seating
- $2,739 for Wangaratta Netball Association to replace their defibrillator.
Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie said the ARTC Inland Rail Sponsorships and Donations program was providing a welcome boost to important community groups.
“More than 35 community groups in northern Victoria have shared in nearly $130,000 worth of funding since ARTC established the Inland Rail Community Sponsorships and Donations program in 2019,” Senator McKenzie said.
“Community groups make a huge difference to the lives of many in northern Victoria – from the Euroa Men’s Shed to the Violet Town Bowls Club, these groups bring us together by providing a space for people to gather, to share experiences and to build a sense of community.”
“ARTC has opened another round, with applications being taken until 31 July, I encourage all eligible community groups to familiarise themselves with the program and to apply.”
Senator McKenzie said Inland Rail was already benefiting regional Australia.
“Inland Rail is bringing significant opportunities to regions along the alignment – supporting jobs and providing avenues for economic prosperity now and in the future,” Senator McKenzie said.
“I’m pleased to see the Inland Rail Community Sponsorships and Donations program generously supporting a range of projects and initiatives in northern Victoria.”
A total of $580,000 has been donated to more than 180 community groups along the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail alignment, supporting organisations and services that bring people together, boost morale and engage local community.
The Inland Rail Community Sponsorships and Donations program invites applications from community-led projects, events and activities for the current round that is open until 31 July 2021.
Initiatives must contribute to community wellbeing, prosperity or sustainability, as well as supporting the local culture, safety, environment, recreation and entrepreneurs.
To find out more about the Inland Rail Sponsorships and Donations program, including information on how to apply visit