Since taking over the leadership of The Nationals in early 2016 the Deputy Prime Minister has reenergised and grown the party. He has always lead from the front and his colleagues and our party membership always knew who he was fighting for in Canberra. His decision to stand aside is the right decision for the National Party, the nation and most importantly his family.
Barnaby has always remained focused on the people in the regions and in ensuring Coalition Government policy always has the best interests of rural Australia in mind. His dedication was pivotal in returning the Coalition in the 2016 election. He has a proven record of delivering for our party and a vision to grow regional and rural communities.
The Nationals will continue building on the agenda set by the leadership team. Delivering for regional Australia through the $8 billion we have invested in inland rail, $4 billion for the agriculture white paper, $220 million invested in the Mobile Black Spot Program, $500 million for water culminating in Queensland agreeing to build the Rockwood Weir, new country of origin labelling to show clearly where our food is produced, the Coalitions 21st century communications network, remaining focused on getting more health professionals into rural communities, our commitment to putting jobs into the regions and continuing to deliver trade agreements that benefit our farmers.
On any measure The Nationals team in Government has delivered for the people in rural and regional Australia who we have represented for nearly 100 years. Every member of The Nationals team is unified and committed to ensuring the great work started by Barnaby will be delivered long into the future.