Wine producers in Victoria have applauded the federal government $50 million, three
year plan to increase the value of wine exports up to a record $3.5 billion and
bring $170 million worth of wine tourism to regional communities.
National Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie today welcomed the launch of the
Australian Government’s Export and Regional Wine Support Package—designed to
deliver the largest and most sustainable export growth and the strongest
support for international wine tourism.
Colin Campbell from Campbell’s Wines in Rutherglen described the government package
as a fantastic result for the wine industry.
“The wine industry in Victoria is going very well but to think that the government
has had confidence in us to support our export goals is greatly encouraging.
“Exporting wine is a very expensive market to work in so any assistance is very important
to future market,” Mr Campbell said.
Senator McKenzie said expected increased export opportunities will also drive jobs and
growth and encourage international tourists to taste our fantastic wine and
experience the region.
“The funding includes a boost to marketing campaigns targeting the US and China, a
wine exports grants scheme for current and new exporters to China and the US,
state-based and competitive grants to develop wine tourism experiences and work
to encourage cider exports.
“This package aims to deliver up to 8 per cent per annum value growth across all
export markets to 2021–22, including 15 to 17 per cent in China and 6 per cent
in the US.
“It provides a sustained focus to grow exports, as well as aiming to attract 40,000
more international tourists to Australian wine regions by 2019–20, delivering
an estimated $170 million to the economy.
“I am particularly proud of what the wine industry has achieved in Victoria and I
agree with Colin Campbell that while the industry is already in a strong
position, this investment will capitalise on that strong position and drive
further growth,” Senator McKenzie said.
The package will be managed by the Australian Grape and Wine Authority (AGWA),
working closely with industry.
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