• Almost 100 jobs to be created during construction and more than 100 ongoing jobs
• Ten projects totalling more than $18 million announced in Shepparton region as part of the package
• Package forms part of the Coalition Government’s commitment to creating jobs and diversifying the national economy in regional Australia
Businesses, jobseekers and workers in the Goulburn Valley are the big winners, thanks to a major jobs and funding boost delivered by the Coalition Government’s Regional Jobs and Investment Package.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack joined Federal Member for Murray Damian Drum and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie in Shepparton today to announce the Coalition Government’s contribution of more than $6.6 million towards the ten successful projects.
“The Coalition Government is committed to creating more jobs for the people living in regional Australia and today’s announcement will do just that, generating almost 100 jobs during construction and more than 100 ongoing jobs for the Shepparton region,” Mr McCormack said.
“This package is helping regions like the Goulburn Valley unlock its potential by investing in key projects that support their economic future.”
Federal Member Murray Damian Drum said he was thrilled the Goulburn Valley region secured one of ten Regional Jobs and Investment Packages.
“Projects like the $2.5 million construction of the Shepparton Truck and Transport Museum and Events Hub will bring to life the Goulburn Valley’s rich history and heritage centered on trucking, transport and agriculture. The project builds on the success of the Shepparton Motor Museum and Collectibles and will create 14 jobs during construction and 4 ongoing positions,” Mr Drum said.
“More than $1 million will go towards the construction of a new Apple and Pear Packing Facility, allowing for the production of 60,000 tons of packed fruit per year for domestic and export markets, and the creation of 20 jobs during construction and 30 ongoing jobs.”
Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government John McVeigh said Mr Drum had been a great advocate and the voice for local businesses in the Murray electorate.
“The Coalition Government is focused on delivering a strong economy and thanks to today’s announcement, we have been able to partner with the private sector to deliver more than $18 million to the local economy,” Dr McVeigh said.
“This $220 million pilot program being rolled out in ten regions across the nation is designed to diversify regional economies, particularly those which have undergone large structural changes, to help drive economic growth and jobs.”
Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie said the ten projects being delivered in the Shepparton region would give residents a range of employment opportunities.
“Thanks to a near-$600,000 investment, Rubicon Systems Australia, world leaders in the market for production of smart water technology, will be able to increase production capacity, grow their manufacturing business in Shepparton, employ an additional 16 staff and expand into lucrative export markets,” Senator McKenzie said.
“It is great to see projects like the $1.3 million Pillowplate Heat Exchanger Laser Welding Machine being delivered by J. Furphy & Sons, a family owned and operated company established in 1864, and the creation of a Stanhope Rice Milling Facility to reinvigorate the rice industry in Victoria and provide a replacement product to imported rice.
“Only the Coalition Government is focused on delivering local jobs and boosting local economies.”
Further projects under the Goulburn Valley Regional Jobs and Investment Package will be announced over the coming week. For further information on the Regional Jobs and Investment Package go to https://www.business.gov.au/assistance/regional-jobs-and-investment-packages
Successful projects under the Regional Jobs and Investment Packages in Murray