- First-round grants announced for Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience program
- Program funds events, training, and small scale infrastructure that will facilitate and enable networking.
The Liberal and Nationals Government’s $5 billion Future Drought Fund will provide $98,843 to agricultural communities in Indigo Shire to better prepare for drought.
Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud says it’s part of the second round of the ‘Networks to Build Drought Resilience’ program, focusing on local initiatives to help agricultural communities better prepare for drought impacts.
“Building drought resilience in the Indigo Shire benefits the entire Australian agriculture sector. The stronger individual communities are, the more robust our industry becomes as a result,” he said.
“The ‘Country Halls Connected for Farming Community Resilience’ project in the Indigo Shire is a fantastic initiative that will strengthen local partnerships and help better prepare for drought.” Senator Bridget McKenzie added.
The $98,843 for the project comes on top of the $90,900 Indigo Shire received in round one of the Future Drought Fund.
For more information about the Future Drought Fund and the Networks to Build Drought
Resilience program visit the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website,
www.awe.gov.au/fdf or call 1800 900 090.
Media contact:
Senator McKenzie: Chris Williams (02) 6024 2560