Seven communities in Victoria will have access to a $15 million economic development fund for Basin community projects.
Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie, said Round 2 of the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program had been extended to a number of local council areas.
“This will provide a much-needed boost for communities across Cobram, Kyabram-Tatura, Mildura, Pyramid Hill-Boort and the Shepparton Irrigation Area.
“This will be available for targeted, grass-roots projects that will help to diversify these economies, boosting jobs and businesses in the short and long term.
“Projects can include things such as tourist facilities and health service upgrades.
“Water recovery hasn’t just hurt irrigators; the whole community has struggled as a result and this program recognises everyone needs support.”
The grant funding is being made available to 31 communities basin-wide, assessed by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority as being impacted by water recovery under the Basin Plan.
Eligible organisations include councils, indigenous corporations, cooperatives, incorporated associations and not-for-profits.
“Local organisations are best placed to design, propose and implement projects for their communities to improve livelihoods and quality of life.”
Applications close 20 January 2020.
For more information, and to apply, visit