Making More Drought Water Infrastructure Support Available For North-East Victorian Farmers

More farmers across north-east Victoria will be able to build more drought proofing infrastructure thanks to another $50 million for the On-farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme. Wodonga-based Nationals Senate leader and Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie said the $25,000 rebate scheme offers practical support to farmers cope with drought such as drilling new bores, desilting…

Growing Jobs In North-East Victoria by Transforming Manufacturing

North-east Victoria will benefit from the $1.5 billion Modern Manufacturing Strategy announced today, Wodonga-based Nationals Senate leader and Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie said. “The Modern Manufacturing Strategy is part of the Liberal and Nationals Government’s JobMaker Plan that will revive a new era of manufacturing, rebuild regional economies and create jobs as we recover from…

Drought Resilience Grants Encouraging Innovation

North-east Victorian organisations, farmer groups and individuals with innovative ideas to build drought resilience can now apply for grants of up to $200,000, Nationals Senate Leader and Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie announced. “Applications are now open for the $10 million grants component of the Natural Resource Management Drought Resilience Program,” she said. “Grants…

Regional Tourism Recovery Package to Attract More Visitors To Indi

Tourist operators in north-east Victoria stand to benefit as part of a $250 million government campaign to boost regional tourism, jobs and local economies. The Liberal and Nationals government’s package includes $200 million for an additional round of the Building Better Regions Fund to boost local infrastructure in regional communities. “$100 million will be dedicated…

Nationals Delivering for Victorian Basin Communities

Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie welcomed today’s announcement of no more water buybacks from irrigators and strengthened compliance within the Murray Darling Basin Authority that the Victorian Nationals have been pushing for. Today’s Murray–Darling Communities Investment Package means Victorian communities will share in an overhaul of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan that will see over…

Border Zone Expanded, Agriculture Worker Code Also Urgently Needed

Wodonga-based Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie today welcomed the NSW government’s move to finally expand the border zone after six weeks of livelihoods being disrupted and even devastated. The NSW Premier today expanded the zone back to a 50 kilometre radius and eased restrictions to allow for necessary daily life activities. “The arbitrary two-kilometre zone…