WEEKLY TIMES: Housing cost is uni hurdle for country kids

Pic: Senator McKenzie listening to student concerns at a recent regional forum in Tasmania, hosted by Member for Lyons, Eric Hutchinson. http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/national/housing-cost-is-uni-hurdle-for-country-kids/story-fnkfnspy-1227567711579 BY Natalie Kotsios FROM parents taking out second mortgages, to students working four jobs — these are the real costs of higher education for country people. And innovation, not money, is the key to…

AUSTRALIAN: Campaign to give rural students greater support

Pic source: The Australian. Samuel Brazel says there’s financial and emotional pressure on students from the bush. Picture: Britta Campion Source: News Corp Australia http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/campaign-to-give-rural-students-greater-support/story-e6frgcjx-1227567913997 BY Kylar Loussikian As a student from rural Australia with indigenous heritage, the odds are well and truly stacked against Samuel Brazel, at least according to reams of statistics produced…